Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beasiswa UNSW PhD Student Completion Scholarships

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Beasiswa UNSW PhD Student Completion Scholarships are designed to enable PhD students in the final stages of their candidature, who have not received any scholarship or other financial support during their candidature, to spend uninterrupted time (up to 6 months) to complete their thesis. Up to 5 scholarships, valued at approx. $10,000 each were made available via a competitive application process for successful completion in Semesters 1 and 2 2009.

Duration and Funding

* Awards are available for six months
* Scholarships are tax-free and will be paid fortnightly in arrears to a value of half of the standard APA (ie approx $10,000)

To be eligible for consideration of the award of a completion scholarship, applicants must:
* not have previously held or be currently receiving any other scholarship (eg APA, APAI, EIPRS, Faculty or School scholarships) or any other form of financial support
* be a currently enrolled PhD student at UNSW
* enrol on a full-time basis in semester 2, 2009 (latest date for enrolment is 31 August 2009) and consistent with this enrolment status, work full-time on the thesis in semester 2, ie. devote 35-40 hours per week to candidature
* be in the writing-up stage and have completed their data collection or equivalent
* be able to complete their thesis in semester 2, 2009 and be able to submit their thesis for examination by no later than 31 March 2010
* have their applications supported by their supervisor and Postgraduate Coordinator confirming that the programme outline is realistic and expressing confidence that a submission by 31 March 2010 at the latest will be achieved
* have their application endorsed by the Head of School with an agreement that 50% of the scholarship will be repaid if the student fails to submit by 31 March 2010

Scholarship Applications
Applicants must lodge the UNSW PhD Student Completion Scholarship Application Form providing the following information to the Graduate Research School:

Part 1: Applicant’s Information – including a completion plan which clearly outlines how the Scholarship will be used to finalise the PhD, including information on:

* the sections of research that have already been completed at the time of application;
* the chapters that are in draft or final form;
* work that remains to be done to complete the PhD in the 6 months;
* a timetable indicating how the Scholarship period will be used to bring the PhD to submission for examination.

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